Pitching and Persuasion: Insights from Surgeon-Turned-Investor

Pitching and Persuasion: Insights from Surgeon-Turned-Investor

I built my first company pitching medical devices to brain surgeons. They were the hardest to ever sell to because they were the smartest individuals but I was able to succeed in turning them to my customers simply because I found what came effortless to me and I pursued it. I spent 7 years in the medical space by working as an advisor or consultant to help large companies grow. 

   I set sights on building, buying and investing at an early age by simply seeing opportunities in everything single things I do even meetings. I have built and trained myself so well to put ideas to test immediately and get them out of my head. I believe that from an opportunity,  there is a business.

 Investing is not a child's play or just a fancy dream where you just wish and imagine.  It requires putting in 10 times the work and efforts needed to scale. It requires your domain experience which will build your confidence and allow you to step on stage and talk about what you've done.

Have you ever seen a waiter who blows you away with their charisma and can remember your entire order without writing it down? That’s a skill we et of memory and understanding. Whenever I invdst in a business, I always measure skills set via opportunity. 


Today, we'll delve into valuable insights that are into the art of persuasion.

★ Learn from those who are 2 steps ahead of you and accept those who are 2 steps behind you: Seek mentors who have already achieved what you're striving for, and embrace the chance to learn from their wisdom. At the same time, extend a helping hand to those who are earlier in their journeys. Collaboration and shared knowledge brings about innovation.

★ Actions bias beat race : Don't let your ideas waste away in the land of "what ifs." Turn them into action as quickly as possible. Remember, even imperfect execution is better than a perfect plan shelved forever. Speed and agility are key differentiators in today's fast-paced world.

★ Cultivate genuine relationships like I did with my friends who are surgeons. Their expertise proved invaluable when I needed guidance. Remember, a strong network is a safety net and a springboard for success.

★ Develop the unwavering resilience of a true entrepreneur. Focus on relentlessly completing the tasks you set for yourself, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. Persistence is the fuel that propels dreams into reality.

★ Focus on building trust and strong relationships with the right people. Embrace the "Who, Not How" philosophy. Find talented individuals who are passionate and skilled to accomplish your goals, rather than solely focusing on how to do everything yourself. The right team can make all the difference.

★ Don't let fear of the unknown paralyze you. Instead, acknowledge your doubts, then take a deep breath and move forward with courage. Remember, every successful journey begins with a single step into the unfamiliar.

★ Strive to deliver exceptional service to everyone you interact with. It's about anticipating and exceeding expectations, leaving every interaction with a positive and lasting impression. Your reputation is your currency, so make it shine.

★ Develop deep expertise in a field that genuinely excites you, not just what seems trendy. Passion fuels dedication, which leads to mastery. When you're truly interested, the learning process becomes an adventure, not a chore.

★ Don't just dream up strategies, turn them into action. Develop your plan, train yourself and your team, then relentlessly execute. Remember, effective implementation is the key that unlocks your vision's potential.

★ Gain laser focus by getting crystal clear on your desires and dealbreakers. What do you absolutely want to achieve? Just as importantly, what are you unwilling to tolerate? Knowing both fuels clarity and propels you toward your goals.

★ Believe in yourself and your business. Deliver your pitch with conviction and enthusiasm. Investors back passionate founders with a clear vision and the ability to navigate challenges.


The art of the pitch requires both skill and strategic planning. By applying these key principles, you can transform your pitching skills and confidently present your business idea to potential investors.


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