The American Dream Legacy

The American Dream Legacy

 Have you ever wondered what the American Dream truly means in today's world? 

A 2022 YouGov poll suggests fewer than half (43%) of Americans believe the American Dream exists. However, a 2017 Pew Research Center survey also found most (75%) say they've achieved or are on the way to achieving it, defining it themselves.

     Here's the good news:  most Americans still believe in the core idea.  They crave opportunity, a good life for their families, and the freedom to pursue their goals.  That core desire – that's the true American Dream, and it's alive and well.

     After my parents and I left our native countries because of war with the pursuit of chasing The American Dream. It wasn't easy at first since there was little funds to survive with and we had limited competence in English. But we had a goal and a burning desire which helped us in building a successful and scalable business even during the period when social media doesn't exist.


Building Blocks for Your Own Dream:

Have a burning desire:

The American Dream isn't a one-way street, despite the challenges my parents and I faced when we first got to US during the 1970s era, it was our burning desire and dream that kept us going, there were times of ups and downs but I am glad they never gave up.


Define Your Success:

What level of success do you desire?  Success means alot of different things to everyone, it can encompass every aspects of your life, it could be financial freedom or independence, marital settlement, academics success, shares or stocks investment, assets gain or even business launch or expansion. What exactly is it that you so much desire?


Weigh the Sacrifices and decide :

Often times,, our parents and grandparents make some sacrifices to pave the way for our future even when it is not all convenient. Consider how their choices have shaped your path. Immigrating to another country and leaving all things behind was a big decision my Parents made but they made the best.


Embrace Flexibility:

The American Dream is a dynamic concept that evolves alongside with society and personal circumstances. My parents have ambitious dreams to achieve in a foreign country which they can’t even speak the language proficiently but they opened themselves to adapting their plan as their interests and priorities shift.


Know the effort needed and commit to it:

How much are you willing to go for it? Despite the societal odds my parents faced, they fully relied on their hardwork and everyday efforts to bring their American Dream to life. And this hardwork became the bedrock and foundation for everyone's success in my family.


The American Dream's core message remains powerful:  through hard work, dedication, and a bit of hustle, you can achieve a life of meaning and fulfillment.

  - Believe in yourself, define success on your own terms, and chase your own American Dream! Take time to organize your thoughts and create a roadmap for achieving your personal definition of success.

 What does the American Dream look like for YOU?


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